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For alternate versions of Fenris, see Fenris' Character Hub

"Fenris, my darling, what have they done to you?"

Fenris was a giant Asgardian Wolf who served Hela during the times of the expansion of Asgard around the Nine Realms. Millennia after their death, Fenris was resurrected by Hela with the Eternal Flame and put at their service during their rule over Asgard. Fenris later fell into the vastness of space during their battle with Hulk.


Serving Hela[]

Conquering the Realms[]

"We were unstoppable. I was his weapon in the conquests that built Asgard's empire. One by one, the realms became ours."
Hela to Skurge[src]
Berserkers Asgard History

Fenris and their mistress Hela conquer the Nine Realms

Fenris was Hela's loyal companion and mount during the bloody expansion of Asgard throughout the Nine Realms. They died not long after Odin banished Hela to Hel. The wolf was buried with Hela's Berserkers in the catacombs beneath Odin's Vault at the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf.[1]


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Fenris with Hela and Skurge

"With the Eternal Flame, you are reborn!"

When Fenris' mistress, Hela, returned from her banishment following Odin's death, she used the power of the Eternal Flame to reanimate Fenris as well as the Berserkers. Unlike them, Fenris was fully resurrected, and would later be used as a means of intimidating the Asgardians when Hela and Skurge went in search of the stolen sword Hofund.[1]

Battle for Asgard[]


Fenris charging towards Heimdall and the Asgardians

"This stupid dog won't die!"

As Heimdall guided the surviving populace towards his observatory, he spotted Fenris and an army of Berserkers guarding it from a distance. Fenris began to charge towards the Asgardians before Valkyrie shot at them from the Commodore, but the gun had no effect on the giant wolf. At this point, Fenris resumed charging towards the Asgardians. Just as they were about to attack, Bruce Banner hit the bridge in front of them. Fenris paused and curiously sniffed at Banner's unmoving body to see if he was dead or alive. Deciding he was no threat, Fenris prepared to attack again, but was suddenly dragged back by their tail and thrown away.

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Fenris furiously fighting against Hulk

Fenris was confronted by Hulk and engaged him in battle before charging at him where they attempted to devour him, but it only succeeded in tossing them both into the river below. Later, Fenris was seen leaping towards Hulk trying to devour him again, but Hulk kept their massive jaws open. Eventually, they snatched Hulk in their jaws, throttled him around like a chew toy and dunked him in the water, where they bit painfully into his highly impervious skin with their razor sharp fangs. However, Hulk punched Fenris off, sending the giant wolf falling to their death down the waterfall and into the void below.[1]


  • Asgardian Wolf Physiology: Fenris, as an Asgardian Wolf, and the personal pet and steed of the Goddess of Death Hela, was one of the most powerful and fearsome beings in the Nine Realms, to the point that even Heimdall showed fear when cornered by the beast on the Rainbow Bridge, only preparing to face them once he knew it was absolutely necessary. They stand 23 feet tall[2] and span 35 feet long.[3]
    • Superhuman Strength:
      Fenris Puncturing Hulk's Skin

      Fenris piercing Hulk's flesh with their fangs

      Fenris had tremendous strength, matching even Hulk's. They were able to engage him in a brief, albeit vicious battle. Fenris' jaw strength allowed their to bite through Hulk's durable flesh, drawing blood. They were also able to lift and throttle him in their mouth like a chew toy. When they run, they crack the Rainbow Bridge underneath their paws. The ground shakes with their every footfall, from the thunderous stomping of their charge to even the lightest, gentlest taps of their feet.
    • Superhuman Durability: Fenris was nearly invulnerable. Their skin is bulletproof,[4] remaining unscathed after being shot at by the Commodore and after fighting Hulk. She was completely unharmed as Hulk swung their body through the human-sized, solid stone adornments lining the Rainbow Bridge, which crumbled effortlessly against them, and as their back smashed through the bridge itself in their tussle with Hulk.
    • Superhuman Speed: Fenris led the charge of the Berserkers on the Rainbow Bridge. They stomped ahead over fifteen times faster than any of their own men could run.
    • Superhuman Agility: Fenris could quickly go from standing still to a full-on charge in less than a second. They recovered quickly when pulled away by Hulk.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Fenris sprinted at full speed across the entire Rainbow Bridge, totally unfazed by most of the attacks their way. They kept a strong fight for the entirety of their battle with Hulk.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Fenris could quickly dodge some of Hulk's attacks, managing to grab him multiple times.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Fenris was able to quickly heal from Hulk's beating on them during their duel.
    • Enhanced Intelligence: Ferris is highly intelligent. Under Hela's order, they tried to keep the Asgardians from escaping over the Rainbow Bridge. They would have succeeded, if not for Hulk.[4]





  • In the comics, the Fenris Wolf is a creature of Asgardian origin, and is said to be the offspring of Loki and the giantess Angrboda, and the sibling of Hela and Jormungandr. Fenris is based on the Norse wolf god Fenrir, which was destined to kill Odin during Ragnarök. Fenris also takes elements from the Norse Wolf Garmr, associated with both Hel and Ragnarök.
  • The Marvel Cinematic Universe's version of Fenris is referred to with both male and female pronouns, much like their comic book counterpart (who is gender-fluid).
  • Fenris and Abomination are the only characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to have pierced Hulk's tough skin.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Fenris was originally meant to transform from a husky into a giant wolf. Their design was later changed to a black wolf.[5]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Fenris.

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