- "Eric? Face justice? Not when you run the best growhouse in the city."
- ―Lia Dewan to Tandy Bowen[src]
Eric's Growhouse is a growhouse owned by Eric in New Orleans.
Attack on Eric[]
- "What, did you get lost, little girl?"
- ―Eric to Tandy Bowen[src]
In an attempt to ambush her, Lia Dewan mentioned the growhouse owned by Eric, her former abusive boyfriend, which she described as the best growhouse of New Orleans, thus being involved in the drug trafficking in the city. Bowen went to the growhouse, where she soon confronted Eric and several of his associates. Using a Lightforce dagger, Bowen was able to hold her own for a time, but she was then blinded by a pepper spray.
Nevertheless, Bown was able to conjure a powerful Lightforce sphere which blinded her enemies as well. She was then able to incapacitate them, and violently beat up Eric, ordering her to stop taking part in the trafficking of both drugs and girls in New Orleans. Bowen then left the greenhouse, and was soon joined by Dewan, who initially feigned sympathy and gratitude towards Bowen before incapacitating her with a taser gun so that she could be abducted in an ambulance.[1]