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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"The Time-Keepers were fake, but their warnings were real. Seems pretty straightforward to me."
―Dox to Hunter X-05[src]

Dox was a former general of the Minutemen and member of the Time Variance Authority. When the TVA debated on the fates of the following the destruction and revelation behind the Time-Keepers, she formed her own faction of loyalists in an attempt to prune all branching timelines. Imprisoned in the TVA, Dox declined an offer to follow Ravonna Renslayer and take over the TVA, leading to her death by the Gizmo, along with all of her loyalists except Brad Wolfe.


TVA General[]

Early Life[]

Dox lived a life on the Sacred Timeline, but eventually caused a Nexus Event which made the timeline diverge. She was labeled a variant and arrested by the Time Variance Authority. She had her memories erased[5] and was made to join the TVA, being given the name "Dox." She became a general of the organization.[1]

Judges' Council Meeting[]

"Are you seeing this robot head on the table? The sky is falling, Mobius. This changes everything!"
"This changes nothing. We won't let the timeline branch. I'm sorry, Hunter. If we don't protect it, what on Earth are you suggesting?"
Hunter X-05 and Dox[src]

In the wake of the destruction of the Time-Keepers and Judge Ravonna Renslayer's disappearance, other TVA members realized that the Time-Keepers, whom they previously looked up to as their gods, were actually androids and that they were variants themselves all along. In light of this power vacuum and emergency situation, Dox and the rest of the Judges' Council met to discuss the situation and decide on whether to discontinue the practice of "pruning" variants and returning free will to the multiverse. They listened to Hunter D-90's testimony about having discovered a variant of Renslayer on the timeline. D-90 left, and Dox briefly spoke to Hunter X-05.

X05 and Dox

Dox listens to Hunter B-15's testimony

Mobius M. Mobius and Hunter B-15 were brought in to testify next as the council listened to a recording of Loki revealing the truth to Mobius. Judge Gamble asked about the order to stop pruning, so B-15 asked for a moment to explain. Dox interrupted and insisted that she speak into their microphone and that it was important the meeting happened by the books. Dox demanded to know under whose authority they gave the order, but B-15 insisted that there was no time for protocol. They discussed all the Time Variance Authority's members having lives on the timeline, and Mobius attempted to calm everyone's nerves about the Sacred Timeline branching, but X-05 expressed concern that the Time-Keepers being real changed everything. Dox insisted that nothing had changed and asked B-15 what she was suggesting they do if not protect the timeline. However, B-15 insisted that they had been destroying rather than protecting. Dox and B-15 started to argue, but Gamble stopped them. B-15 managed to convince Gamble, and she issued a warning to stop all pruning.

Dox and X-05 Relationship

Dox tells Hunter X-05 to find Sylvie Laufeydottir

Suddenly, Loki appeared. While Loki happily reunited with Mobius and X-05 tried to prune him, Dox shouted for everyone to stand down. Loki stole X-05's Time Stick and used it to prune the mural of the Time-Keepers, revealing the face of a man. Loki declared that he was the one who stole all of their lives by building the TVA and would returned. Loki explained Sylvie Laufeydottir's intention to kill the man, and Dox stood up, demanding to know where Sylvie was. Loki said that he did not know as Mobius led him out of the room. X-05 approached Dox, who noted that the Time-Keepers' warnings appeared to be real. X-05 asked what to do, so Dox ordered him to find Sylvie so they can figure out what happened.[1]

Betraying the TVA[]

Attack on the Branching Timelines[]

Dox Suited Up

Dox mobilizes her loyalists

"Our mission is compromised. Set off what you can!"
―Dox to Hunter X-05[src]

Dox led a raid of the armory in the Time Variance Authority Office and sent several troops, led by Hunter X-05,[1] to deploy Reset Charges in the branching timelines. She had TemPads altered to control them.[2] Dox looked to Hunter B-15 and Hunter D-90 before leaving.[1]

Dox Arrested

Dox gets arrested

Dox and her loyalists began attacking the timelines, pruning multiple. However, Loki, Sylvie Laufeydottir, and Mobius M. Mobius arrived and started destroying the equipment, causing Dox to realize the mission had been compromised. She ordered her loyalists to prune as many as they could. As the fight turned in favor of Loki, Mobius, and Sylvie, Dox realized that they were too late and ordered her soldiers to finish the mission. Dox and the rest of her loyalists were then incapacitated by a burst of magic from Loki and Sylvie. Dox was taken into custody, along with those of her loyalists that had not escaped, and brought back to the Time Variance Authority by Hunter D-90.[2]

Hunter B-15's Offer[]

Dox Imprisoned

Dox says she does not feel she has earned her life

"But I know you care about the TVA, and I know you wanna protect it. That's the only reason I'm here."
"What do you want?"
"Your help."
Hunter B-15 and Dox[src]

Dox was held in a room with Hunter X-05 and the rest of her loyalists and stayed silent toward X-05, realizing that he was the responsible for their plan failing. She stayed silent toward X-05, who tried to mobilize the loyalists to work together. Dox cut him off, scolding him for selling them out. Dox explained that they knew about his acting career. X-05 claimed that he and the rest of the loyalists had earned their lives and asked if Dox felt the same, but she shouted that she did not.

Dox Listens to B-15

Dox considers Hunter B-15's offer

Hunter B-15 entered their cell, so Dox stood up and declared that she had no authority to hold them. B-15 insisted that she did not want to fight, or to talk to Dox, but shared her understanding that Dox cared about the Time Variance Authority. Dox asked what B-15 wanted, so B-15 said that she wanted help. She asked if the TVA would be able to trust Dox and her Minutemen to defend it. Dox did not trust B-15, who told her to trust that they both cared about the TVA and its agents. B-15 then left, giving Dox and the others time to think.[3]


Loyalists Talk

Dox and Hunter X-05 debate Hunter B-15's offer

"How does it feel knowing that all of us here would rather die than follow you out that door?"
―Dox to Ravonna Renslayer[src]

Hunter X-05 suggested that Hunter B-15 was going to prune the loyalists as soon as they were no longer needed, but Dox noted B-15's integrity. X-05 stated his distrust for B-15, but was cut off by the arrival of Ravonna Renslayer and Miss Minutes through a Timedoor.

Dox and Men Death

Dox and her loyalists are crushed to death

Dox asked about B-15, and Renslayer offered them a chance to stop her from controlling the Time Variance Authority. Dox claimed that Renslayer only wanted to protect herself, then turned her attention to Miss Minutes. She expressed disappointment in the mascot, who replied that she was working on herself. Renslayer reminded everyone that the Temporal Loom was in danger, suggesting that everything was falling apart because she left. Renslayer offered a life on the timeline to anyone who helped her retake the TVA. While X-05 agreed to help, Dox refused, prompting Miss Minutes to activate the Gizmo and create a cube around the loyalists to slowly crush them. Accepting her fate, Dox stoically told Renslayer that their deaths would be on her hands. Dox and the rest of the loyalists were then crushed to death.[3]


"X-05. Bradley. Look at me. Life on the timeline was that good?"
―Dox to Brad Wolfe[src]

Dox was a highly decorated general and an extremely rational person. Despite admitting the fact that the Time-Keepers are fake androids manipulated by someone else, Dox had no hesitation in believing that the Time-Keepers' warnings were real and held a legitimate threat to the Sacred Timeline. Therefore, she strongly opposed Hunter B-15's plans to stop pruning variants and return the choice of free will to the timelines, and using the mission to capture Sylvie Laufeydottir as a front, led her own team of loyalists to prune the branching timelines. Dox was extremely dedicated to the TVA’s mission, willing to sacrifice countless people living in these timelines to continue to preserve the Sacred Timeline.

However, despite of her tendency to use extreme methods to maintain balance and value differences with others, particularly Hunter B-15, Dox ultimately was still loyal to and cared about the TVA deeply, as noted by Gamble and B-15. Dox was also a very honourable person. She was so dedicated to the preservation of the TVA that she refused to accept Renslayer’s offer to take over the TVA, and showed no fear and hesitation when she was ultimately killed by Miss Minutes. Dox also held a degree of respect to her TVA former subordinates, and spoke of Hunter B-15’s integrity and loyalty with high regard.







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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Dox.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Dox.

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