- "Dominicans? Cubans?"
"Puerto Ricans."
"Thought that parade was last week." - ―Rafael Scarfe and Officer[src]
The Dominican Mob is a mob in New York City.
While investigating the death of Dante Chapman and others, Rafael Scarfe theorized that they were either the Dominican Mob or Cuban Mob, only to find out they were Puerto Ricans.[1] Looking forward to the future now that Scarfe was gone, Cottonmouth hoped that the Dominicans and other mobs would fall in line.[2] As the wars in Harlem raged on, the Dominican leader ended up being killed, leading to Ricardo believing they could take down Diamondback.[3]
More than a year later, the Jamaicans came to town, leading to worry that gang fights would erupt, with the Dominicans being an integral part of it.[4]
In chronological order:
Luke Cage | Episode 1.01: Moment of Truth (mentioned)
Luke Cage | Episode 1.07: Manifest (mentioned)
Luke Cage | Episode 1.12: Soliloquy of Chaos (mentioned)
Luke Cage | Episode 2.04: I Get Physical (mentioned)