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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Destroyer of Worlds (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Daisy Johnson, see Daisy Johnson's Character Hub

"You stand by an eagle on a S.H.I.E.L.D., even after you saw Daisy Johnson shoot you in the head, point-blank."
"That wasn't Daisy! I know you think I've lost my onions, but I've got a feeling it was one of Anton Ivanov's tin cans."
Hale and Glenn Talbot[src]

Daisy Johnson, also known as the Daisy Fleet, were twenty Life-Model Decoys of the real Daisy Johnson prepared for her capture, however Johnson got away from the other LMDs before they could be activated. A Johnson LMD was later used by Aida to try and assassinate Brigadier General Glenn Talbot in order to turn the public against S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Inhumans. The Johnson LMD was then destroyed by Ghost Rider before it could kill again.


Siege of the Playground[]

Discovered by Quake[]

"Can you program the Daisy Fleet downstairs with basic seek and destroy?"
"Of course."
"Do it, be ready to release them."
Phil Coulson LMD and Leo Fitz LMD[src]

The Daisy Fleet at the Playground

While Johnson entered into a room of the Playground, she discovers twenty inactive LMDs of her. The Alphonso Mackenzie LMD took with him the Shotgun-Axe and searched for Daisy Johnson. He arrived inside the Containment Module room where the Daisy Johnson LMDs where being kept. Believing Johnson had hidden herself among the identical robots, the Mackenzie LMD aimed his Shotgun-Axe and began looking for clue for the real Johnson's identity.

Eventually, the Mackenzie LMD aimed the gun at one LMD only for Johnson to appear behind him and knock him back with a powerful shockwave before taking the Shotgun-Axe and quickly escaping. Later, after the Jeffrey Mace and Mackenzie LMDs are destroyed by the real Daisy, the Phil Coulson LMD ordered to the Leo Fitz LMD to be ready to release Daisy Fleet. But the Melinda May LMD destroyed the Phil Coulson and Leo Fitz LMDs as well as much of the Playground with explosives before they could be deployed, but they survived at the blast.[1]

Shooting Talbot[]


LMD Johnson is destroyed by Ghost Rider

"You see? This is what S.H.I.E.L.D. wants, a world of Inhumans. We must resist. We must unite!"
Anton Ivanov[src]

In an attempt to completely discredit S.H.I.E.L.D., Aida sent a LMD of Daisy Johnson to an International Inquiry Committee in which General Glenn Talbot participated. The android suddenly arrived in the meeting room and silently shot Talbot in the head, putting him into a coma. The android then fled and went back to Aida, who had come with several other LMDs. However, as Aida intended to watch the real Johnson fighting against her android decoy, the LMD was destroyed by Ghost Rider, forcing Aida to flee.[2]

The attack was later used by General Hale to convince Carl Creel to join her fight against S.H.I.E.L.D., despite Phil Coulson trying to explain that they had no part in the construction of the android.[3] Talbot himself, despite the brain damage he suffered, correctly deduced that the android was not Daisy Johnson and that Anton Ivanov was somehow involved, but could not reveal his suspicions to trustworthy authorities because he was abducted by Hale.[4]


Although she had become an android, the Johnson LMDs personalities had remained intact and retains the same characteristics as when she was a human, despite her mission which she was programmed with, as demonstrated when she had a sadistic personality in shooting Talbot and dismantling S.H.I.E.L.D. and she enjoyed challenging her counterpart, much to Aida's delight.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Android Physiology: Being androids, the LMD Johnson's physiology was superior than regular humans. Moreover, like all the LMDs built after Aida, LMD Johnson was powered and animated by a Quantum Brain, a replica of a human brain which displayed the same complexity and capabilities than its biological counterpart but was only made of light.
    • Enhanced Strength: Being an android, LMD Johnson was stronger than her counterpart. However, the only active unit was destroyed by Ghost Rider before she could engage the real Daisy Johnson in combat as Aida intended.
    • Enhanced Durability: As an android, the mechanical structure of LMD Johnson's body made him more resilient than humans. However Ghost Rider easily burned down her body reducing it to ashes when he ambushed her.
    • Enhanced Stamina: Her power source allowed the LMD to exert himself for long periods of time without rest between charges. She relentlessly pursued her mission of shooting Glenn Talbot, fighting all the guards present at the S.H.I.E.L.D. International Inquiry, and stood ready to fight the real Daisy Johnson until her destruction.
    • Enhanced Reflexes: Her Quantum Brain was programmed with a shorter reaction time than humans, and she was able to quickly shoot Glenn Talbot even before he could react or speak, nearly killing him.
    • Enhanced Vision: Like all the Life-Model Decoys built according to Holden Radcliffe's plans, LMD Johnson was equipped with a Backscatter X-Ray Eye Implant that granted him the ability to see in the dark and through solid objects.
    • Longevity: Potentially, as a Life-Model Decoy, Johnson's internal power source would have allowed her to last for years. However, she was destroyed not long after being built.
    • Pain Immunity: The synthetic nervous system within the Life-Model Decoys was tweaked once Aida experienced pain herself, disabling all subsequent decoys from the feeling that was intended to accurately mimic human reaction. Therefore, LMD Johnson suffered no actual pain.


  • Expert Marksman: Programmed with all of Johnson's firing capabilities, LMD Johnson was able to fire just as well as the real version. She proved to have excellent shooting skills, nearly attempting to kill Talbot with a single hit in the head, despite barely surviving.








