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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Hel 105-0766r

A collection of quotes from Daimon Helstrom.


Episode 1.01: Mother's Little Helpers[]

Spoken by Daimon Helstrom[]

"Ego veni ut vitam habeant et abundantius habeant.[1]"
―Daimon Helstrom to Archer Cavallo[src]

Spoken about Daimon Helstrom[]

"People kill. They have since the dawn of time. They need to maintain the balance. You, more than anyone, should know that."
Kthara to Daimon Helstrom[src]

Episode 1.02: Viaticum[]

Spoken about Daimon Helstrom[]

"A warning about the one who marked me. It is coming, and getting stronger. It walked the Earth long before any of us, and it will walk it long after we are gone. Long after it has consumed you and your blood. Best embrace its power and glory, for your faith will not save you."
Magoth to Daimon Helstrom[src]


"I thought maybe you might have softened over the years, but no, you're incapable of that."
"And you're incapable of moving on."
―Daimon Helstrom and Ana Helstrom[src]

Episode 1.03: The One Who Got Away[]

Spoken about Daimon Helstrom[]

"People are going to get hurt. And not just them. There are other forces at play here. The last thing the world needs is a Helstrom family reunion. We light that fuse, and God help us all."
Caretaker to Louise Hastings[src]

Episode 1.04: Containment[]


"Okay, well, Yen had to do something, we've got a ton of expensive artifacts in there."
"You are not trying to justify what we just saw."
Ana Helstrom and Daimon Helstrom[src]

Episode 1.07: Scars[]


"I'm not one of you."
"There's no shaking what's in the blood."
―Daimon Helstrom and Loman[src]

Episode 1.10: Hell Storm[]

Spoken about Daimon Helstrom[]

"He's special. We both are."
Ana Helstrom to Victoria Helstrom[src]


  1. Translates from Latin: I came that they may have life and may have it abundantly. (John 10:10)