- "It had some scarification on it. Some kind of burn. It was black as night. It was the shape of a bird, or a–"
"A dragon." - ―Avalon and D.K. to Misty Knight and Colleen Wing[src]
D.K. is a tattoo artist and one of the Crane Sisters. Along with Avalon and Aiko, she assisted Davos in a ritual to steal the Iron Fist from Danny Rand.
Encounter with Misty Knight and Colleen Wing[]
- "On top of assault charges and kidnapping, Davos is wanted for a whole slew of dead Triad. And you three are accessories."
"That's bullshit."
"We don't want to book you. But we do need to know exactly what you did to our friend." - ―Misty Knight and Avalon[src]
Along with Avalon and Aiko, D.K. was hired by Davos to give him a tattoo. Her and the others made a serpent tattoo on his back using the dead skin of an Iron Fist. The current Iron Fist was tied to a pole beside them.[1]
They were soon met by Detective Misty Knight and Colleen Wing who wanted to know what they did to the victim. When Knight threatened an arrest for accessory to kidnapping, the Crane Sisters attacked. D.K. teamed up with Aiko to take down Wing, but they were no match for the martial artist, who defeated them. They then agreed to reverse the ritual in exchange for no jail time.[2]
They were contacted by Wing again, who needed them to perform the ritual. They arrived at Chikara Dojo and took the ink of Danny Rand's tattoo, mixed it with Davos' blood, then used it to put a tattoo on Wing's arm.[3]
To be added
- Expert Martial Artist: To be added
- Knives: To be added