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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
R210 Strike team Livvie hostage
"Crisis Intervention Resources is out of the picture."
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"Crisis Intervention Resources. They handle this sort of thing."
Joy Meachum to Ward Meachum[src]

Crisis Intervention Resources, or CIR, is a crisis management company, based in New York City.


Rand Enterprises[]

"Apologies are what got you into this disaster, so, yeah, officially, it's a statement. It's the first step of CIR's plan to save the company's image."
Joy Meachum to Danny Rand[src]

As Rand Enterprises was in jeopardy because of the video of Danny Rand apologizing to Regina Fitzgerald for the chemical plant incident, Lawrence Wilkins advised Joy Meachum to hire the CIR to handle the situation. Although Rand himself was unable to attend the meeting, Wayne Olsen spoke to Joy and Ward Meachum, saying that the publicity that Rand brought to the company might be turned into positive.[1] Olsen and the CIR prepared a statement that Rand should make in front of the directors board to rebuild Rand Enterprises' public image, although Rand was concerned that the issue with the chemical plant will be left without proper attention. However, during the board meeting, Rand refused to go along with the CIR's proposal and made a decision to close the plant until further notice, while continuing payments for the workers.[2]

