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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Craig Saunders, Jr., see Craig Saunders, Jr.'s Character Hub

"Anybody seeing this?"
―Craig Saunders, Jr.[src]

Craig Saunders, Jr. was a United States Army soldier working for the Strategic Operations Command Center.


Ambush in Porto Verde[]

Saunders was assigned to Emil Blonsky's Strategic Operations Command Center unit where they went to Rocinha to track down a target known as Bruce Banner. While there, they chased Banner from his home into the Pingo Doce Bottling Plant. Saunders put on his night vision goggles and set up behind a broken window, watching as Banner got into trouble with a gang of tough guys led by Silva. Blonsky suddenly shot at one of the men. Saunders watched as that man collapsed to the floor, giving them an opening to strike.

However, Saunders soon became terrified as he watched Banner's legs suddenly mutate and become bigger. Scared, Saunders asked if anyone was seeing it happen. Suddenly, Silva got pulled in by Banner and then thrown into a wall, leading the SOCC to make a run for it. Saunders regrouped with his squad and together they shot multiple rounds into the now big and green Hulk. One of the soldiers then chucked a flash bang at the target, showing a silhouette of Banner and his gigantic-supernatural form. Saunders looked at his squad, scared before Hulk threw a gas tank at them. Saunders ran, but succumbed to the tank, getting crushed by it.[1]


  • Expert Marksman: As a soldier, Saunders used a rifle which he shot at Hulk with.



  • Tranquilizer Rifle: Saunders used a rifle loaded with tranquilizer darts in an attempt to neutralize Hulk.

Other Equipment[]





  • In the comics, Craig Saunders Jr. is a pyro and member of the Hulkbusters who went by the name Redeemer.



External Links[]
