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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For the ship, see Conquistador
For alternate versions of the Conquistadores, see the Conquistadores' Organization Hub

"My mother and her village were driven from their farms... by Spanish conquistadors who brought the smallpox... a hateful language, and dogma from another world."

The Conquistadores were colonizers of North America that infamously wreaked havoc with the indigenous populations.


Fall of Tenochtitlan[]


The Conquistadores fight the natives in Tenochtitlan

"Are we really helping these people build a better world, huh? I am just like the soldiers down there. Pawns to their leaders. Blinded by loyalty. It ends now"

The Conquistadores were sent by the Spanish to colonize North and South America in the 16th century. By 1521, they had settled around Tenochtitlan. Their presence caused great danger and many deaths as a battle ensued in Tenochtitlan between them and the natives.


The Conquistadores are controlled by Druig

The war went on until the Eternals got involved. Seeing everyone kill each other, Druig snapped and controlled everyone to stop fighting before taking people and settling at a compound with them. After this, Tenonctitlan was acquisted by the Spanish and the Aztec Empire surrendered, paving way for further colonization.[1]

Yucatán Settlers[]

Black Panther II Trailer (28)

The Conquistadores are killed by the Talokanil

"As she grew older... my mother mourned the life on land that she once knew... and died with a broken heart. She made me promise to bury her in the soil of her homeland. Nothing could prepare me for what I found there."

The Conquistadores also notably landed in the Yucatán after they waged war against the native people and gave smallpox to them as they were not used to the illness. They were forced to ingest the Talokanil Herb, which cured them, but made the natives blue and unable to breathe air, in which then retreated to the ocean and eventually established the underwater kingdom of Talokan. Many years later, one of the native people and his group arrived at the Conquistadores settlement to bury his mother.


A Conquistador curses "El Niño sin Amor"

When the child, Ch'ah Toh Almehen, saw the Conquistadores' way of life in enslaving and beating people, he lashed out. To the Conquistadores' surprise, the child flew up in the air as his blue allies started to kill people and burn the settlement. One man in particular used his dying words to curse Almehen, calling him "El Niño sin Amor".[2]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Conquistadores.

External Links[]
