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"It's a miracle the fact that this park even exists. The fact that this city hasn't torn it down to put up high-rises."
Alexandra Reid[src]

Central Park is an urban park located in New York City.


Return to Asgard[]

Central Park 2

Thor and Loki returning into Asgard

In 2012, the Avengers, consisting of Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, and Natasha Romanoff met up at the Bethesda Terrace in Central Park to see Thor depart with Loki and the Tesseract. Erik Selvig and Banner stored the Tesseract into an Asgardian containment case. Thor said goodbye to Selvig and the other Avengers, and used the Bifrost Bridge to leave. Afterwards, Rogers rode off in his motorcycle, Stark and Banner drove off together, and Barton and Romanoff drove off together as well.[1]

Welcome Back, Frank[]


Billy Russo alongside Frank Castle's family

Following his military trip to Afghanistan, Frank Castle finally returned to New York City to his family. Reassembled with Frank's best friend and teammate Billy Russo, Castle family decided to spent some time at Central Park. Lisa Castle was on the ride on carousel while her parents watched. Maria Castle said that she gonna be too old of this. Then they was called by Frank Castle, Jr. and Russo who bought some snacks. While they eat, Russo joked with Frank Jr. that his father had been highly uncreative when choosing his name. He said that he had been named after Billy the Kid, only for Lisa to question how he knew his name's origin despite being an orphan. Castles laughed and Russo said that she too smart to be Frank's daughter. Maria kissed him and said that now he has a family.[2]

Massacre at Central Park[]

"We knew exactly where you'd be. Exactly where to go to get you. You bored your squad shitless talking about your homecoming tradition. Picnic in the park, Frank? You really were your mama's little apple pie, weren't you?"
Carson Wolf to Frank Castle[src]

However, when William Rawlins learned Homeland Security agent Dinah Madani had received a tape of the Cerberus Squad as they tortured and killed Ahmad Zubair, Russo learned that Rawlins and Ray Schoonover, who believed Castle to be the source of the leak, had decided to assassinate Castle. Despite being ordered to be involved in the shooting, Russo refused, but did nothing to stop it.[3][4]

Central Park Crime Scene

The aftermath of a violent criminal shoot out

They knew exactly where Frank had be because of his stories about Castle family's homecoming tradition. Using his secret identity as "Blacksmith", Schoonover organized a deal between Mexican Cartel, Kitchen Irish, and the Dogs of Hell in the park. At the same time D.A. Samantha Reyes set a trap in the park to bring Blacksmith down. Reyes, not wanting to risk tipping the police off, decided not to clear the park of civilians, including the Castle family. When Russo left the park, Castle family stayed.

At that time, gangs learned that the Blacksmith did not show up. Gang members got nervous which resulted a shootout. Using shootout as a cover, Cerberus members opened fire on Castle. As a result of massacre, Maria Castle, Lisa Castle, Frank Castle, Jr., undercover cop and several gang members was killed. However, Castle survived slightly shot in head.[5]

Searching for Kilgrave[]

Kilgrave Victim Shears

Jessica Jones witnesses a sudden suicide

While searching for Kilgrave, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage followed a ZALK employee to Central Park, thinking he would be delivering them to Kilgrave. Jones told Cage to stay behind and followed the courier through Central Park. However, when Jones finally reached the courier, she found out that he did not have any chemicals, as Kilgrave had already taken them, and witnessed the man take hedge trimmers and commit suicide, by shoving the blades in his mouth and falling to the ground.[6]

Ambushed by Kitchen Irish[]


Frank Castle sitting down beside a carousel

"Oh, thanks for thinning out the herd. You've surrounded, son, now be a good lad and drop the iron. Come on."
Finn Cooley to Punisher[src]

Frank Castle took time to sit alone in Central Park in front of the carousel where his family were massacred, watching the families play and enjoy their time together. However, he discovered that he was not alone as members of the Kitchen Irish began to surround him. As more and more people came around him, Castle prepared himself for a fight, despite being highly outnumbered by the mobsters, all of whom were armed although they claimed to want him alive, shooting Castle in the neck with a dart gun.


Frank Castle confronting the Kitchen Irish

With the group coming closer and closer, Castle grabbed one of the mobsters and stole his gun, killing several of attackers and using his hostage as a human shield, with Rory claiming they wanted Castle alive. The Irish began shooting Castle with tasers which barely slowed him down. Finn Cooley revealed that he wanted Castle after he killed several of their members, including Nesbitt and Cooley's youngest son and taken his money. Despite putting up a strong fight and taking down several members of the Irish mob, Castle was eventually stopped by the taser guns being fired at him as he fell to the floor.[5]

Danny Rand's Return[]


Danny Rand first meeting Colleen Wing

Without a place to live, Danny Rand was meditating in Central Park when Colleen Wing put dollars into his cup. Rand then watched as Wing continued putting up ads for her dojo. As Rand was about to return the money, he noticed her ads for self-defense and martial art. Intrigued, Rand asked if he could get a job at her dojo teaching kung-fu, however, Wing declined the offer.[7]

Duel at Bethesda Terrace[]

Rain Fight

Colleen Wing dueling against Bakuto

As Bakuto found himself at a disadvantage following a previous ambush, he ran to Central Park where he was cornered by his enemies, as Colleen Wing challenged him to a duel to the death, while Danny Rand and Davos watched on. Eventually, Wing gained the advantage and stabbed Bakuto through the chest, before Davos finished him off by stabbing Bakuto into the heart, killing him. This horrified Rand as he and Davos battled one another, with Rand defeating his friend, causing Davos to walk away, before Wing and Rand discovered that the Hand had taken Bakuto's corpse away.[8]

Discussing Plans[]

Gao confronts Alexandra

Alexandra Reid meeting with Madame Gao

Fearing she would not live long enough to see all her plans come to their conclusion, Hand leader Alexandra Reid traveled into Central Park where she fed the birds until Madame Gao joined her. They briefly discussed the park's history before they got back to business, as Gao noted that their contact in the major's office was ready and they could begin their mission. Reid however claimed that this would not work and insisted that they move their operation even faster than it already was.

Although Gao noted that they had all agreed that their current plan worked best, Reid insisted that they adapt. Gao made a final argument that if they hurried their process then things would be noticed across New York City, but Reid claimed that she was aware of this and was unbothered by the concept, ordering Gao to leave and inform the others of change of plan. As she walked away, Reid gave Gao the bird food and ordered her to finish feeding the birds for her.[9]

Duel at the Central Park Carousel[]

Punisher (2016)

The Punisher prepares to fight Billy Russo

"Let's meet tonight, midnight. How about by your painted ponies Frankie. How you feel about that? Finish this where it all started."
Billy Russo to Punisher[src]

After confrontation at Curtis Hoyle's house, Billy Russo and Punisher agreed to meet at the Central Park at midnight. Punisher arrived at the park at midnight and had a skirmish with Russo at the carousel's tree-line which quickly drew towards the carousel itself. Russo took two employees and stabbed them. When Castle didn't engage Russo in combat, Russo threatened Castle by saying that the teenagers will die if he did not come to fight. Castle immediately attacked Russo in a gunfight on the spinning carousel. Russo was hit in the face with a ricochet bullet which lead him to shoot and disable Castle. When Russo was about the kill Castle, Dinah Madani arrived, gun-drawn, but Russo shot her in the head.

Memento Mori pic

The Punisher brutally disfiguring Billy Russo

Castle saw this and then punched and beaten Russo. When he pulled out a hidden blade which Castle quickly gained possession and disabled him. Castle rubbed his face on the carousel's broken glass. Russo's face was completely destroyed, and when he tried to stab Castle, he breaks Russo's arm and proceeds to smash his face against another mirror. Castle then grabbed the knife off the ground and holds it against Russo's neck, as he looked on at his now disfigured face.


The Punisher trying to save Dinah Madani

Russo asked Castle to kill him but he said "dying’s easy". He then smashed Russo's face first into the broken mirror, swearing Russo will know loss like Castle does every time he "looks at his ugly mangled face" every day. After a total four times of being smashed into the mirror, Russo passed out from the pain and after freeing Carl and Hayley from their restraints, Castle then held wounded Madani in his arms until the police arrived.[2]

Infinity War[]

"We need your help. Look, it’s not over selling it to say that the fate of the universe is at stake."
Doctor Strange to Tony Stark[src]
Tony & Pepper (Central Park)

Tony Stark speaks with Pepper Potts

In the spring of 2018, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts went for a job in Central Park. After their jog, Stark recounted a dream he had that they had a child who they had named Morgan after Potts' eccentric uncle, but Potts told him that they couldn't after he had started working on his suits again.

Avengers-infinitywar-movie-screencaps com-1419

Doctor Strange asks Tony Stark for his help

However, their conversation was interrupted when Doctor Strange appeared via Inter-Dimensional Portal, who told Stark that he needed his help and the fate of the universe was in the balance. Stark was unwilling to trust Strange immediately, until Bruce Banner appeared and greeted his old friend. Stark then left Potts and went into the portal.[10]

Battle for the Macchina di Kadavus[]

Portal Train

Spider-Man falling in the Mirror Dimension

In November 2024, Peter Parker took possession of the Macchina di Kadavus, which caused Doctor Strange to transport them both into the Mirror Dimension. Parker evaded Strange and entered Central Park. Strange caught up to him and used Inter-Dimensional Portals to make a subway train crash through in order to stop Parker. However, this attempt failed and Parker and Strange proceeded their chase beyond the park.[11]

The Archers' Mission[]


Clint Barton-NYC LARPers - Hawkeye 102

Clint Barton attends the NYC Larpers

In December 2024, Clint Barton went to Central Park in order to locate the NYC Larpers. He then signed up with Missy in order to get inside to find the man who had his Ronin suit. After finding the man, Barton confronted him and told him he had two options revolving getting his suit back. The man, however, recognized him as Hawkeye, and asked him if he could "win". Barton reluctantly agreed and received the suit, with the man introducing himself as Grills. Barton then left Central Park with the suit.[12]

Walk in the Park[]

Bishop and Barton

Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, and Lucky take a walk

Soon after, Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, and Lucky went for a walk in Central Park. During their walk, Barton warned Bishop that there was someone higher in the Tracksuit Mafia's ranks and that she didn't need to get involved with him. Bishop understood and told Lucky that there were some criminals not worth messing with.[13]

Asking the NYC LARPers for Help[]

Kate Bishop meets the LARPers

Kate Bishop and Lucky meet the NYC LARPers in Central Park

The next day, Kate Bishop and Lucky went back to the Park and found a small group of the NYC LARPers practicing their fighting skills. Upon approaching, Lucky barked at them, unnevered by their actions, but Bishop reassured him. She then asked to speak with the NYPD officer there and was met by Wendy Conrad, who she then told what she needed help with.[14]

Alternate Universes[]

Visited by Hulk[]

In an alternate universe, Hulk stole a signal jammer from the United States Army and threw it into the lake at Central Park so that it would not interfere with Samuel Sterns' experiments.

Hulk later triggered the recall feature on the Enclave's Lightning Satellite, sending it crashing into Central Park. Hulk fought through the Enclave's forces, destroying the satellite to stop them from getting the wreckage.[15]


Illuminati HQ (Central Park)

The Illuminati Headquarters

In an alternate universe, known as Earth-838, an organization called the Illuminati set up their headquarters in the center of Central Park.[16]


Appearances for Central Park

In chronological order:

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Originally, there were some shots of Central Park in Avengers: Endgame, showing that it was lacking fifty percent of trees, indicating that the Snap also wiped out half plant life, but it was deleted from the final cut.[17]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Central Park.

External Links[]
