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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

CAROL - A Definitive Account of the Cosmic Avenger was a book written about Carol Danvers' heroic accounts as Captain Marvel. It was written by Christina Ermie.


Following the Battle of Earth, citizens on Earth were made aware that Carol Danvers operated as Captain Marvel and had received powers through an Infinity Stone.[1] Due to Scott Lang's podcast interviews with This Powered Life the general public of Earth were made aware of Danvers' role in the battle against Thanos as well as her single-handedly destroying the Sanctuary II, and designated Captain Marvel as the Cosmic Avenger.

A book titled CAROL - A Definitive Account of the Cosmic Avenger was released to account for Captain Marvel's whereabouts and history, although many of Earth's citizens voiced criticism at the hero for abandoning Earth for decades. The book was also available for purchase at the first annual New Jersey AvengerCon.[2][3]


