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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Bi-Beast, see Bi-Beast's Character Hub
Shaw Giving Advice
"Come on. I never totally fit in with the gang, anyway."
The subject of this article is part of an MCU franchise story that has been officially deemed to be non-canonical to the primary continuity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Its events instead occur in another reality within the Multiverse. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as the "Enclave Attacks Universe".

"This android is a match for the Hulk in size and strength. The double-head configuration gives it faster reaction times, enhanced situational awareness and additional sensory capabilities."
Ceres Leader[src]

Bi-Beast was a robot created by the Enclave both to aid in their criminal activities in New York and to defeat Hulk. He was defeated and executed in a fierce brawl with Hulk.


"Let's see which of us is strongest."
"Hulk is strongest there is."
"Not if my skull brother has anything to say about it!"
―Bi-Beast and Hulk[src]
Ceres Leader Bi-Beast

The Ceres Leader presents Bi-Beast

Bi-Beast was created by the Ceres Sector of the Enclave after splicing the DNA of the Enclave's soldiers to create the Barbaria proved unsatisfactory, as while they were enhanced they were also unstable. Bi-Beast was designed to be a match for Hulk in size and strength, with his double head configuration giving him faster reaction times, enhanced situational awareness, and additional sensory capabilities.

Bi-Beast was deployed to Times Square, where the Minerva Sector had erected a mind control antennae with enough power to cover all of Manhattan. He was placed in command of a group of Enclave troops, and when Hulk arrived, Bi-Beast ordered them to kill him while he powered up the antennae. Hulk easily defeated Bi-Beast's grunts and greatly damaged the antennae. When Bi-Beast emerged to find out what the noise was, the antennae exploded, violently throwing the two of them from the rooftop. Hulk intercepted Bi-Beast in midair, pummeling him and using his body to cushion the blow as they crashed down onto the streets of Times Square. The injured Bi-Beast taunted Hulk before engaging him in a one-on-one brawl, eager to see who was strongest. Although Bi-Beast posed a significantly greater challenge than the Enclave's regular grunts, Hulk managed to come out the victor, beating Bi-Beast to death and decapitating him with his bare hands.

Hulk Bi-Beast head

Hulk destroys Bi-Beast

Hulk hunted down and destroyed the remaining Enclave bases. When her own base was destroyed, the Ceres Leader faced Hulk in single combat, wielding an Enclave Hammer which allowed her to summon clones of Bi-Beast with which to attack him. However, they were no more effective against him than the original, resulting in her sharing the same fate as her creations.[1]

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Superhuman Strength: Bi-Beast was designed to be as strong as the Hulk. He was able to hold his own against the Hulk in a fight.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Bi-Beast was designed to have even faster reflexes than the Hulk due to its two heads.
  • Enhanced Senses: Bi-Beasts' two heads allowed him to have better senses than the Hulk. He was aware that Hulk was coming to the Times Square antenna before any of the human soldiers he was in command of.
  • Electromagnetism Manipulation: Bi-Beast was programmed with the ability to shoot lightning out of his wrist, which he used against the Hulk.






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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Bi-Beast/Enclave Attacks.

External Links[]
