"We were hoping you could tell us. All we know is that Binary found you. My theory? That you fell through a tear in space-time. You are now in a reality parallel to your own, which is of course impossible."
When Binary found Monica Rambeau adrift in space, she brought her to the X-Mansion to recover and be examined by Beast, who theorized that Rambeau was from an alternate universe and had crossed over from a tear in space-time. When Rambeau woke up, Beast joined her and Binary, explaining his theory to them. Binary told Beast that Rambeau seemed confused and that she would deal with her, so Beast went to update Charles Xavier, leaving the two alone.[1]
Beast is intelligent, and as such, thinks of theories that describe unusual phenomena that he observes. He also thinks very logically, and explains his thoughts using complex grammar and vocabulary. Beast also values the importance of all people understanding the world around them. This is evident when he assures Monica Rambeau that confusion about her situation is normal, and that it is a step to the learning process. Beast is responsible as well, as seen by his reports of scientific developments of his patients and experiments to Charles Xavier.
X-Mansion: Beast's laboratory is located in the X-Mansion, where he is able to report his findings to the headmaster, Charles Xavier. He is also able to demonstrate his findings to other residents of the facility, including Binary.
In the comics, Dr. Hank McCoy is a mutant who, due to testing an experimental solution on himself, possesses animalistic physical characteristics. He is also a genius-level intellect specializing in biochemistry and genetics and a political activist fighting against society's discrimination against mutants. He served as a member of the X-Men, Avengers and the Defenders.