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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"I just had a fight with Doctor Strange and I totally won!"
"Look, and I stole his ring thing. I was swinging through the city, and then I went through this... massive mirror thing, and then I was back."
Spider-Man and Ned Leeds[src]

The Battle for the Macchina di Kadavus was an attempt by Spider-Man to prevent Doctor Strange from undoing the corrupted Runes of Kof-Kol ritual and sending the Multiverse intruders back to their home universes, by stealing the Macchina di Kadavus.


Identity Exposed[]

"That little spell that you botched where you wanted everyone to forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, it started pulling in everyone who knows Peter Parker is Spider-Man, from every universe into this one."
Doctor Strange to Peter Parker[src]
Spider-Man's Reaction

Spider-Man's identity is revealed

Mysterio arranged a backup plan for William Ginter Riva and The Daily Bugle to reveal Spider-Man's identity as Peter Parker to the public while framing him for Beck's death in the event he ended up dying as he did during the Battle of London.[2] This immediately had a drastic impact upon Parker's life, dragging his friends Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, Happy Hogan, and his Aunt May into the conflict. They were aided by lawyer Matt Murdock, who was able to clear Parker of all charges, although he was unable to deal with the larger identity crisis. Due to the controversy surrounding Parker, he and his friends' admissions into MIT were rejected, thus preventing them from attending their dream college.

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Doctor Strange's spell affects the multiverse

In order to help his friends and family, Parker visited Doctor Strange and asked him if they was any way he could go back in time and prevent Mysterio from revealing his identity. Strange said he couldn't since he didn't have the Time Stone anymore, but then remembered a spell of forgetting. Despite Wong's conflicting advice, Strange took Parker into the basement of the Sanctum Sanctorum and began casting the spell that would make the entire universe forget that Parker was Spider-Man. However, this spell used energy from the Multiverse, so when Parker became distressed and requested that Strange spare his loved ones from the spell, the spell became unstable. Strange quickly contained the spell to prevent further damage and then proceeded to kick Parker out from the Sanctum, enraged that he had not previously attempted to solve his situation through different means. At first unbeknownst to them, the damage had already been done and the spell had summoned several individuals from other universes who knew the identity of their Spider-Man.[1]

Encountering Multiversal Threats[]

Doc Ock and Spider-Man

Spider-Man dodging Doctor Octopus' attack

"Parker, don't you realize that in the Multiverse, there are an infinite number of people who know Peter Parker is Spider-Man. And if that spell gets loose, they're all coming here."
Doctor Strange to Spider-Man[src]

While talking to the MIT Assistant Vice Chancellor, Peter Parker encountered Doctor Octopus and managed to capture him. Doctor Strange tasked him to find and capture the remaining multiversal "visitors". He was given an upgrade to his Web-Shooters that allowed him to shoot magic webs that trapped the villains. Wearing the inside-out version of his Upgraded Suit, Spider-Man traveled to an area of woods outside the city to find the flying monster that was reportedly seen near there. Spider-Man located Electro and Sandman, and engaged in a fight with Electro. Sandman assisted Spider-Man in capturing Electro, but he ended up attacking him, believing that Spider-Man had killed Electro. However, he was quickly captured sent to the New York Sanctum.

Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Parker learns the fates of the universe-displaced

Parker and Norman Osborn were driven by May Parker to the New York Sanctum and Parker got his suit back, which had now been cleaned from the green paint. Parker thanked May before he brought Osborn to the undercroft as he introduced him to Ned Leeds and Michelle Jones. Then, Parker found out that Norman Osborn, Doctor Octopus, and Electro were spared from their deaths in their universes' Spider-Man.[1]


Peter Parker, Ned Leeds & Michelle Jones

Spider-Man decides to take the Macchina di Kadavus

"It's over, Parker. I'll come pick you up when it's done."
"Hey, Strange. You know what's cooler than magic? Math."
Doctor Strange and Spider-Man[src]

When Doctor Strange arrived with the Macchina di Kadavus, he explained to Spider-Man that these three were doomed to die fighting their versions of Spider-Man, and that he planned to reverse the spell and send them back to their fates for the sake of the greater Multiverse. Convinced that they could be cured of their antagonistic natures and be spared from death, Spider-Man stole the box containing the spell before Strange could use it and ran off.

Spider-Man Web Shoot

Spider-Man tries to evade Doctor Strange

He ran outside the Sanctum and tried to escape, but was stopped by Strange who ordered him to hand the box over. When Spider-Man didn't, Strange used his Sling Ring to summon two Inter-Dimensional Portals to stop him. He then used an Eldritch Whip to bring him down.

Doctor Strange and Peter Parker

Parker is knocked out into his astral form

Strange then knocked him into the Astral Dimension. Parker believed he was dead, but was amazed to learn what had happened and that he could make autonomous movements for him to not allow Strange, who was just as surprised as he was, to take the Kadavus as he flew towards his body.

Cloak of Levitation (Spider-Man)

The Cloak of Levitation restrains Spider-Man

Spider-Man then swung away, only to be stopped by the Cloak of Levitation which wrapped itself around his shoulders and tried to pull him back down. Spider-Man managed to free himself and tried to swing away.

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Spider-Man falls through the Mirror Dimension

However, Strange opened up the Mirror Dimension and sent Spider-Man into it. Spider-Man free-fell throughout the Dimension, crashing throughout the city falling inside a shopping mall and other buildings, lalling into Central Park, Strange opened a portal, and a subway train came through, hitting him and temporarily separating him from the box.

Spider-Man (Mirror Dimension)

Spider-Man tells Doctor Strange his belief

Spider-Man grabbed the box again, as the Cloak reached him and grabbed it as well. Strange then sent him through portals while the Cloak continued to grab hold of it. Eventually, Spider-Man managed to cause the portals to collide, which then shattered the Dimension.


Spider-Man sees the Grand Canyon in the Mirror Dimension

This action separated them from the box and transported them to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Strange then opened a portal and told Spider-Man he would return for him afterwards. Unfazed, Spider-Man decided to use the situation to his advantage, discovering the various mathematical possibilities to trap someone within the Dimension.

Spider-Man snatches Sling Ring

Spider-Man traps Doctor Strange in the Mirror Dimension

Spider-Man then entangled Strange in a matrix full of his webs through the use of geometry. Spider-Man then grabbed the Macchina di Kadavus and prepared to hop into the open portal. Strange told him not to, but Spider-Man used his web shooter to take his Sling Ring and left the Dimension.[1]


Elevator NWH Deleted Scene

The crew rides the elevator

"Strange, we're so close..."
"Skip it! I've been dangling over the Grand Canyon for twelve hours!"
Spider-Man and Doctor Strange[src]

For twelve hours, Doctor Strange dangled over the Grand Canyon. Meanwhile, Peter Parker took all of the villains to Happy Hogan's Condominium, where he and May Parker were currently living. Parker made use of Happy Hogan's Stark Industries Fabricator and began making devices that could cure the subjects of their conditions. He made a replacement inhibitor chip for Doctor Octopus to give him control over his mechanical arms, an energy siphon for Electro which was designed to extract his powers, and an Anti-Goblin Serum for Norman Osborn. However, before the anti-serum could be administered to Osborn, the Green Goblin persona took over and convinced the other villains that they did not need to be cured. With the exception of Octavius, the villains all turned hostile, and Electro stole the Fabricator's Arc Reactor before ejecting Octavius from the building. Green Goblin violently killed May, leaving Parker heartbroken and in distraught. Green Goblin flew away, and being under threat of several agents from Damage Control, who arrived to arrest him for the chaos and damage that occurred, Parker retreated to the roof of his high school, blaming himself for his aunt's death.[1]

