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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Avengers (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of the Avengers, see the Avengers' Organization Hub
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated as "Celestial Invader Ego".
I request elaboration
"I request elaboration."
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"With that kind of firepower, I don't know that there's a person on Earth who could stop him."
"Not one person won't be alone, but a team. Made up of the best our little planet has to offer."
Howard Stark and Peggy Carter[src]

The Avengers are a group of extraordinary individuals, with either superpowers or other special characteristics, assembled by S.H.I.E.L.D. in response towards Ego and Peter Quill's attempt to terraform Earth.


To be added



Ant-Man 1980s Avengers
  • Name: Henry Jonathan "Hank" Pym
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 1988
  • Status: Active
  • Description: Hank Pym was called by Howard Stark and originally refused to listen to Stark as he had bad blood over Janet van Dyne's supposed death. He then saw the television and the destruction in Manhattan and decided to go to the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility to help form a team and take down a young, powerful kid named Peter Quill. The newly formed team took on Quill and defeated him, containing Quill until Pym's daughter, Hope van Dyne broke Quill out out of pity. However, the act of kindness turned Quill as he decided to help them defeat Ego. During the Battle of Mojave Desert, the group defeated Ego's corporeal form. They celebrated at the Pym Residence as Pym decided to take Quill into his family. The Avengers then went off to defeat Ego once and for all.


Goliath What If S2
  • Name: William Barrett "Bill" Foster
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 1988
  • Status: Active
  • Description: To be added

Black Panther[]

Black Panther 1980s Avengers
  • Name: T'Chaka
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 1988
  • Status: Active
  • Description: To be added


Mar-Vell 1980s Avengers
  • Name: Mar-Vell
  • Species: Kree
  • Activity: 1988
  • Status: Active
  • Description: To be added


1980s Thor
  • Name: Thor Odinson
  • Species: Asgardian
  • Activity: 1988
  • Status: Active
  • Description: To be added

Former Members[]

Winter Soldier[]

Winter Soldier 1980s Avengers
  • Name: James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes
  • Species: Human
  • Activity: 1988
  • Status: Inactive
  • Description: To be added




Behind the Scenes[]

  • This iteration of the Avengers was created with the intention of choosing a team which could deliver an emotional story in an episode requested by Brad Winderbaum centered around Peter Quill being delivered to Ego. A.C. Bradley suggested including Hope van Dyne, as both she and Quill were dealing with the loss of their respective mothers. Matthew Chauncey, who made the rest of the team, said that the rest of the characters were easy decisions following Quill and van Dyne.[1]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Avengers/Celestial Invader Ego.