The "Australian Resident Thor" Universe is an alternate reality where Thor moved in with Darryl Jacobson in Australia. He would one day suddenly leave, leading to the Grandmaster to move in with Jacobson.
Asgardian Prince[]
As an Asgardian prince, Thor grew up in the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf on Asgard. One day, Thor fought an enemy causing the hallways to become filled with blood. Thor then decapitated his foe before eating their eye so that they could never reach Valhalla.[1]
Avengers Adventures[]
The Avengers are a team comprising of Earth's mightiest heroes. During one of the team's mission's one the team's members, Thor goaded the team's leader, Captain America, into killing some prisoners. This lead to him making Thor promise to not inform the other Avengers of what he had done.

A parade celebrating the Avengers
The Avengers went on to save the Earth, leading to people all across the globe to celebrate their victory. This led Thor to leave as he became quite content following their victory. A rift eventually formed within the team, causing two factions, one lead by Captain America and the other by Iron Man, to come into conflict with one another.[2]
Darryl Jacobson Documentaries[]
Thor & Darryl[]

Mjølnir blocks Darryl Jacobson's vacuum
Following his leave from the Avengers, Thor settled down in Australia with his new roommate, Darryl Jacobson. Thor and Jacobson got along relatively well, although Jacobson did not appreciate Thor placing Mjølnir in inconvenient places, such as the toilet seat and the floor, where he was trying to vacuum. He also became annoyed with Thor's lack of the concept of time.[1][2]

The pair eventually caught the attention of the New Zealand Documentary Board, who decided to film a documentary about them. For the documentary, they interviewed both Thor and Jacobson and filmed parts of their lives. Thor told the documentary crew that he'd been trying to get involved with the locals. To illustrate this, the crew filmed Thor teaching a lesson about the Avengers to a classroom full of children.[2] Thor also informed the children about a time he violently slayed an enemy.[1]

Thor shows off his chart
The crew also documented Thor and Jacobson at Jacobson's place of work. There, Thor had Jacobson send e-mails to both Tony Stark and Steve Rogers both offering to help their side during the ongoing Avengers Civil War. Thor also showed the crew his bedroom and a chart which Thor was using to try and get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding the Infinity Stones.

Thor speaks with Bruce Banner
Later, the crew recorded Bruce Banner and Thor as they sat down for a cup of coffee. Thor asked Banner if he'd heard anything from Tony Stark and Steve Rogers causing Banner to be surprised that they hadn't contacted him. Banner then received a call from Stark with Banner reiterating to Stark that he refused to get involved in the Avengers Civil War before offering Thor's services. Stark told Banner that he didn't know how to contact Thor so Thor said to send a raven. Back at his home, Thor told the crew that he would start his own team, Team Thor, which comprised of him and Darryl Jacobson.[2]
Thor & Darryl: Part 2[]

Thor plays Connect 4 with Darryl Jacobson
Following their first short documentary on the Thor and Darryl Jacobson, the New Zealand Documentary Board returned to record another documentary on the pair. The documentary crew interviewed Thor and Jacobson further as well as captured more footage of their daily lives together. The crew recorded Thor and Jacobson playing Connect 4 together. Thor lost the game, causing him to become angered, which led him to smash the game with Mjølnir. A frustrated Jacobson then cleaned up the resulting mess.

Thor speaks with Darryl Jacobson
The crew also filmed Thor attempting to pay his half of the rent with a pumpkin and some Asgardian coins. Jacobson told Thor that these items were worthless, but Thor countered him by stating that the Asgardian coins were worth a "gazillion" human dollars. When Jacobson told Thor that nobody would take Asgardian coins, Thor suggested that Jacobson open up a store named "Asgardianware Previously Owned by Thor," telling Jacobson that it would sell well due to his celebrity status. When Jacobson dared to suggest that Thor get a job, he belittled Jacobson in response.

Later, Thor hired Shane as his personal servant to help him in his daily life. In Thor and Jacobson's living room, Thor briefed Shane on his responsibilities as his servant. During a shared dinner between Thor and Jacobson in their home, Shane poured Thor a glass of mead before Thor went to bed.[1]
Darryl & the Grandmaster[]

Darryl Jacobson and the Grandmaster
- "So my last housemate left all of a sudden, but, fortunately, through work, a position came up in Los Angeles, so I needed a new housemate."
- ―Darryl Jacobson[src]
One day, Thor suddenly departed Darryl Jacobson leaving without a roommate. However, a work opportunity soon came up for Jacobson, leading him to move to Los Angeles and seek out another roommate via Craigslist. Since the Grandmaster was the only person to answer Jacobson's ad, he moved in with Jacobson. While Jacobson initially believed the Grandmaster to be a "Hollywood-type" person, he soon realized that he was in fact alien.

Darryl Jacobson and the Grandmaster have breakfast
New Zealand Documentary Board sought to make a documentary about Jacobson yet again, interviewing him and the Grandmaster as well as filming parts of their daily lives. The documentary crew filmed the Grandmaster as he prepared toast in a toaster before he sat down for breakfast with Jacobson. Sitting down with a plate carrying a large amount of toast, the Grandmaster stated that he wished to learn about Earth's culture before he questioned Jacobson on what the food his was holding was called.

The Grandmaster forces himself onto the couch
Jacobson told the crew that the Grandmaster had begun to force him to act as his assistant/bodyguard and where the armor of his former bodyguard while doing so. The crew then recorded Jacobson preforming a variety of household task for the Grandmaster, including taking out the trash and driving him. They also recorded footage of the Grandmaster forcefully sitting between Jacobson and one of his friends while they were on the couch.

Darryl Jacobson records the Grandmaster
Later, the Grandmaster showed the crew some of his drawing of Jacobson. They also captured footage of him sketching Jacobson as the Grandmaster watched him take a shower. The Grandmaster admitted to the crew that he planned to conquer Earth in the future. To inform the planet of his eventual conquest, he had Jacobson record a video laying out his plan which he uploaded to the internet.

David Richardson is killed
Disappointed by the performance of the video, the Grandmaster suggested to Jacobson that they create a music video to promote the previous video. Per the Grandmaster's suggestion, Jacobson formed a band consisting of him, the Grandmaster, and some of his work friends. During their rehearsal together, the Grandmaster become frustrated with the performance of one of Jacobson's friends, David Richardson, causing him to kill Richardson with his Melt Stick.

The Grandmaster speaks with "Mrs. Richardson"
That night, the Grandmaster apologized to Jacobson for killing Richardson. Jacobson suggested to the Grandmaster that he should call Richardson's parents and tell them so the Grandmaster decided to practice how the call might go with Jacobson. In his "call" with "Mrs. Richardson", the Grandmaster flirted with "her" before quickly informing "her" of "her" son's fate and ending the conversation.

Darryl Jacobson's bathtub confessional
While taking he took a bath, the documentary briefly interviewed Jacobson. In the interview, Jacobson confessed that he was worried that the Grandmaster would murder him with the Melt Stick. He also told them that he'd begun to miss his old roommate, Thor, much to his own disbelief.[3]
Once he successfully acquired all of the Infinity Stones and placed them inside of the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos snapped his fingers and wiped out a significant portion of the world's population. While Darryl Jacobson survived the Snap, many of his co-workers didn't. This forced Jacobson to work overtime to make up for the missing workforce.

Darryl Jacobson performs "Happy Birthday to You" for Thor
Months later, while working an overtime shift, Jacobson recorded a video message for Thor. In the video, Jacobson wished Thor a happy birthday and asked Thor if he could send him some money as he'd acquired quite a bit of debt. Jacobson the pulled out a stylophone and performed "Happy Birthday to You" on it before the video ended. Jacobson then posted the video to Twitter in hopes that Thor would see it.[4]
- Avengers
- New Zealand Documentary Board
- Darryl Jacobson
- Jane Foster
- Nick Fury
- Loki
- Thanos
- Shane
- En Dwi Gast/Grandmaster
- David Richardson †
- Topaz †
to be added
Behind the Scenes[]
- According to The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe, a fan-run site whose universe designations are approved by Marvel editorial, this universe's designation is Earth-16828.