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"The American military detected vibranium under my nation's domain. I was able to stop them from minin' it... but we need Wakanda's help to prevent it from happenin' again. They use a machine designed by an American scientist."
Namor to Ramonda and Shuri[src]

The Attack on the Harvey Sub-Sea was a successful mission undertaken by the Talokanil to prevent the United States from discovering vibranium in Talokan.


"They said that machine had a one in a billion chance of finding vibranium."
"Oh, less than that."
Smitty and Graham[src]

To be added[1]


"Namor sank an entire ship of CIA operatives because of your little machine."
Okoye to Riri Williams[src]

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"So it was you guys in the Atlantic? Come on. Mining ship. Lot of casualties."
"What happened?"
"Seriously? It was a joint operation. Us and the SEALs. Thirty of their top guys, two of our best officers... friends of mine. Gone. Just like that. You throw in the fact that they were tracking vibranium..."
"I can assure you Wakanda had nothing to do with this."
Everett Ross and Okoye[src]

To be added[1]

