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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
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"Gregory Sallinger just confessed to the murder of Dorothy Walker on tape."
"Single-party permission recording, admissible by New York law. And I have him on kidnapping and attempted murder."
Jessica Jones and Eddy Costa[src]

The Arrest of Gregory Sallinger was the successful mission undertaken by Jessica Jones to trick Gregory Sallinger and take him into NYPD custody.


"This is what she does! To protect her, you have to protect me."
Gregory Sallinger to Jessica Jones[src]

To be added


"I killed Dorothy to punish you! To punish all of you! …Why are you smiling?"
"You're not the only one with a camera."
Gregory Sallinger and Jessica Jones[src]

To be added


"This is over. It isn't satisfying, it doesn't take away the pain, and it doesn't affect either of us, except that he's done. That's it."
"But I'm so… angry."
Jessica Jones and Trish Walker[src]

To be added

