What’s your idea? What would be your MCU X-men dream team and do you have any thoughts on other characters you would include besides the main team?
Appearance as one of a classmate of Peter’s at Empire’s State University. Civilians live as Ava Ayala by day, and stop criminals as White Tiger at night. Should the studio cast Emily Tosta as the character not only in Daredevil: Born Again. What next in Spider-Man 4.
She plays not only another supporting Spider-Man ally, as well as builds a relationship with Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Not to mention, White Tiger is probably the only cat-theme vigilante Marvel can use if Black-Cat spin-off is still happening, so they can't use her.
Besides it being a terrible scene, did anyone else notice that she has this weird aura around her and a fireman just vanishes walking past her. Like she was cut from somewhere else and they green screened her in but messed it up. Very strange.
Personally really hope they go with the Young X-Men/Academy X line up, showing the X-Men team of from young teenagers with veterans members as their mentors.
First off does anyone think Jon Watts should return to direct? Personally I want a new director to put his stamp on it, plus he seems pretty busy with his other projects.
Crime Master and Scorpion as the major villains for the fourth Spider-Man 4 in MCU, maybe Beetle as a side-minor villain. Crime Master has connections with crime organizations that set up the rest of the new trilogy.
Daredevil, or Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) in a supporting role helping Spider-Man. Not only do they want fight scenes featuring Spider-Man teaming up with either these two taking down criminals or one of villains. Who would like scenes Spider-Man has conversation with one of them.they’d can relate to Spider-Man issues balancing both lives.
Peter's attention at Empire State University instead of M.I.T.
Peter applied to work at the Daily Bugle with J. Jonah Jameson as I.T specialist and Betty Brant as Peter co-worker. Also for a small side-plot Betty asks out Peter on a date. Traditional Spider-Man classic. Peter has missed out on their date. Peter would make up to her.
Don’t want Ned and MJ to appear as minor roles or cameo’s. I Feel that’s for the new Spider-Man trilogy with Tom Holland. Should not be as soft-rebooted. A fresh start for the character. By introducing new support characters and settling in a new direction.
Peter is still recovering from the events of No Way Home. Peter talks and gets it throughout his traumatic event with the loss of his aunt in his old life.
Has a tease near the ending of movie with female students Peter has run into a few times and finally reveals her name to be "Ava Ayala" and a mid-credits with the Symbiote that’s left behind in a different universe and ends up somehow transports to a unknown location, that’s setup’s for a moment in Secret Wars.
Spider-Man 4 is still in the works, and Zendaya is supposedly gonna be involved in the movie. But I keep hearing people say that they don't believe bringing MJ back into Peter's life is a terrible concept, then why completely just ruin the whole ending to NWH?
Peter had to sacrifice his memories with the people around him so his two best friends could go to college, and no longer be harmed by being friends with him because of Spider-Man.
Bringing her automatically back into his life sounds terrible, I'd much rather Marvel and Sony introduce new support cast and Peter make new friends after No Way Home, a year later (except Gwen and Harry. Don’t they’ve don’t appear in MCU).
Do you think we’ll ever get the knights of Wundagore in the MCU?