@IamDPorDerpy 1. “do you worry or not since you dont want a delay but yet you dont think 60 characters is good” There’s no logical connection between either. If someone feels pessimistically or optimistically about one but not the other, that shouldn’t be unexpected.
2. Funny for you to talk about him not rebutting your comment when you haven’ done that to many of my comments in past threads.
3. I wasn’t surprised at all by the reveal. It’s one of the reasons I don’t have a problem with this.
4. I wish you didn’t pressure Optimusprimebumblebee "Neo Astral-X" 123 about this, since he never said anything about being shocked. It’s not his fault others didn’t know about this.
Because they haven’t settled on when they’ll delay it. Again, even IronWidowMaikuB opposes an indefinite delay, which is what it will be. Nor do delays directly result in fewer characters or them being used better. Yes, there’s a chance it will, but it’s not guaranteed. Given that there’s still no director in sight, the writers probably aren’t being rushed, which is why there’s no reason to delay it yet.
And of course, it’s so far along there’s plenty of time to announce a delay without punishment.
I would also like to note that the script is nowhere near complete. There’s no reason to believe that plan is anywhere set in stone (there’s not even a director, after all).
Thank you.
I’ll be fine if they retire her. I’m mildly opposed to recasting without explanation but it’s not a big deal.
Which there are no indications of occurring. Besides, if Marvel really decided to do that, I’m sure they’ll have come up with a way to make it work.
The Villains wiki is wrong, I guess. Hopefully the incorrect information is corrected soon.
More are “concerned” because we’re closer to the release date and things are solidifying.
There is no relationship between the number of characters or release dates with how involved the Fox X-Men are going to be. Only relationship would be that those things would potentially occur in the same movie, but any reasonable person has no reason to let one influence their opinion on the other.
As for the actual post, I’m definitely curious on what will happen. Not at all worried about the direction. I have some thoughts about the larger state of this film that are too unrelated to share here.
@IronWidowMaikuB Agreed.
@IronWidowMaikuB @MarvelSharky @Optimusprimebumblebee "Neo Astral-X" 123 100% agreed.
Quite optimistic about Spider Man 4.
Goodbye from fandom for the fifth time, I guess.
I believe the timeline page may have some information.
Either admin and mods haven’t go to it or it’s MCU-related enough that it stays up (especially given potential implications for Marvel Studios projects).
Agreed! That would be cool.
Can’t blame Marvel Studios this time.
Thanks to @IronWidowMaikuB for explaining it. It honestly makes a lot more sense than traveling the Multiverse, given how hard it is the cross universes.
The film has enough on its plate anyway.
Well, since Stane needed the reactor to power the Iron Monger, that means there was no final battle and Stane would’ve been arrested for conspiring with the Ten Rings. Little would change. At least the Mark III and incomplete Iron Monger would be intact.
Very, very well written.
To be honest, when I first saw the Kree thing, I thought Shield was using the serum to create a lifeform (ala Vision), not using the lifeform to create the serum. This was of course clarifies in future episodes.
Haven’t finished the season yet, but it’s certainly enjoyable. Among other good things, cameos!
@IronWidowMaikuB Agreed, but the original post was implying that the part where Peter keeps the symbiote would last several movies. I do believe that is too long. Maybe one movie for him with the suit, one with Venom, and maybe one Scorpion or whoever they want if the writers want to do that.
To prevent any plotholes. Ain’t Coulson’s survival level 7?