@Spidey2025!!!! He's banned? Since when? For what? I mean what did he do that got him banned?
@SeñorCactus35712 I feel like it would've been worse if they decided that after Age of Ultron. And they would've abandoned infinity stones as well.
I'll always think they should've recast
Malekith would have liked that.
Well giving her some interactions with the rest of the team would've been a good start to give her some personality and show us how is she after being freed.
@SilverQuake616 This could've been opportunity to make her more interesting and give her some personality
I would like to see Karl Urban in some bigger role like Wolverine, although I'm open for other characters for him.
She's 40 but looks younger than that
I think you missed the point of this post. The question was which character hate you feel is forced and tiresome not which character you hate
Vanessa Kirby looks young to me. And Pascal is not boring
For me it's
Captain America Brave New World (especially since it premieres in less than a week)
The Fantastic Four First Steps
Note: If you're not exited for any of these don't comment, I don't want a fight in comments section.
@Adityathegreat Why people hate her?
To me it would be Captain Marvel and Ironheart. With Carol I feel it's only the result of Brie Larson hate which is also tiresome, what did she even say exactly for people to be pissed about it for almost 6 years?
Here's link to posters I made for Captain America Brave New World
We shouldn't have ai movies. Movies and shows are art, ai can't make real art. Even when it will look as real as the things we see in front of us it's still won't be the same. What makes movies great is the director who makes them, writer who writes them, actors who star in them, ai will shouldn't take away their jobs.
And will become part of their family and additional member like in the comics?
They're not carbon copies, they have similar themes of Avengers (which was kinda the point) but they're not the same, there are key differences, like personalities, stories, etc. And like I said just because you don't want it doesn't mean there aren't people who do. Also MCU started with second rate characters
I mean let's be objective for most of the time that's never true. We as fans many times wanted to see some specific character in spotlight. Especially those we already got to know but were simply supporting characters, like Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Loki or Clint. But there are also characters who didn't appear in MCU but we want them to. I know Moon Knight was one of those characters. I've seen many fans wanting Young Avengers/Champions to appear in MCU, especially after they started introducing their members. And even when we don't ask for a specific movie or a show it doesn't mean it won't be good or interesting, I mean let's look at Guardians of the Galaxy. How many people cared about them enough to ask for a movie? The only Marvel project I asked for was Thunderbolts and I'm getting it. We shouldn't be complaining that there's a project WE didn't ask for but we should be happy for those who asked for it, because there's always gonna be someone like that.
@MarvelSharky Yeah, but I think Black Knight is one of the characters that have very interesting lore. Besides it would be fun to see a Marvel project focused on Arthurian legends