The problem isn't that it's different, the problem is how it's being handled and that is with little focus. I've said a thousand times that there should be more movies and TV series set outside the main MCU and I rightfully criticize how little time they spend exploring other universes outside of Loki (which is more about exploring timelines) and What If. Take Multiverse of Madness for example, it started in a different timeline, the majority of the film to place in the main MCU/Earth 616 and the other half took place in only two different universes (Illuminati Universe/Earth 919 correct me if I'm wrong), and a universe similar to What If Evil Dr Strange (who are not the same and you can't tell me otherwise so nobody try to argue with me that they are unless you wanna get blocked). In case you're wondering what I think should have taken place outside the Earth 616 The Eternals, Moon Knight, Ms Marvel, The Marvels, Ant-Man 3, Fantastic 4, Blade, WandaVision, and Multiverse of Madness.