Don't buy into the sexism grifter perspective on the narrative. Jane's story was liked on it's own level. Max level that was hated was Thor himself being seen as minimal in the same storyline.
That's not an excuse to not adapt said story faithfully. Especially for a universe people constantly complain they don't kill characters in.
Your option is essentially to have her tossed aside for a character they are just introducing to the audience instead of a slow buildup like with Love AKA Singularity. Along with removing Jane's heroic sacrifice.
Yeah neither. She was great all around in her self contained arc here. Look forward to her hopefully being the next Valkyrie in the future.
Even Thunderbolts is showing off the one team that'll still be active on Earth-199999 to deal with multiversal stuff to come.
And really the only way to improve that situation is to have more personal Kree threats like Dar-Benn, Kasius, and Yon Rogg rather than less.
Not really. Whole point in having it be Ant-Man was to show him and his family are vastly underestimated threats. With this being their ultimate challenge to prove that.
Not to mention it was Scott that messed with time, not Carol. Whose threat would be associated with the Kree and her vast time away from Earth.
Black Knight, not Black Panther.
Or just use Kang for the next Avengers films in the future.
Yeah, I absolutely agree. Kang is one of my favourite Marvel villains in both the comics and the MCU so I really do want to see that arc continue forward.
I understand they couldn't in the very last minute circumstances at the time. Considering you'd need to prep and hire someone to play an army of characters someone else already put their spin on so it made sense to veer into Doom and a version of him that the Avengers would have some personal dynamic against.
However, eventually, Kang should make his return. Either as the next overarching threat and just say Doom was the first rogue multiversal variant on this level before the danger above him begins, or reduce Kang's role to something like Young Avengers like the 2005 run did. Or both is good.
As for who, Colman Domingo is still my pick. Even before he has played Norman Osborn in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, but especially now if he's already tested on their payroll.
Tommy was first... by seconds.
Only as a reference to the whole joke between Pietro and Wanda in Age of Ultron though. I wouldn't take it that much seriously.
Maybe. Or they'll start this off with him being even more powerful than they are.
Yeah, could try and pretend or lean into the whole angle that they are in bodies different than their original ages more than the comics did. Especially since they'd not be twins in this version in either form.
It's just also not a guarantee.
Yeah, what people needed to especially get about Phase 4, but also the others is that the story is not specifically dedicated just to the Avengers.
Yeah, it's gonna be difficult cause Blade's Midnight Suns set up with him is forever on the back burner right now.
Like, I'm not denying these picks as a part of their respective phases, but at the same time, no project was ever the "full circle end" to their respective Phase beyond Phase 1 with Avengers.
God, I agree on Kate Bishop. When your character struggles immensely to do anything due to comedic overconfidence and lacking in initial skill and is still called a Mary Sue, what doesn't qualify someone for that labelling.
Next on my list is really Spider-Man. I know it's sort of muddled down a bit after No Way Home cause of the major nostalgia boost to get people to finally quiet up, but with Friendly Neighborhood, this same line of thinking is coming back and shows that it's not just about Stark. There are just way too many Spidey fanboys with their own precise vision that is mostly Raimi based on what his world and attitude as a character is like.
William Kaplan. The comic purist deal with him is a hilarious misconception to his ethnicity addressed in the show. Cause they assume he's Romani due to his mom being Romani in the comics. He's not. For the same reincarnated body swap the show did. (Albeit slightly different) And even if he was, Wanda isn't in the movies either due to changing where she was born. Because it's retconned to hell in the comics too.
Why would Sue be in her mid-20s given Reed's age and their long-term marriage?
Also most hyped for Thunderbolts* really. Lot of great character dynamics and arcs from the previous phases I am looking forward to seeing continue. As well as Val's plans.
I don't really get this personally when no Phase really had an ending?
Hell, even the one given the big one in Endgame still didn't make it Phase 3's ending. Far From Home was. Which just felt like an aftermath into Phase 4.
Indeed. Not to mention the name Tommy goes by once given a new body was Thomas.
I mean if that's true. Weird choice to cast an older actor for the twin.
Indeed. Same with Kang as a villain greater than Doom and kept on the back burner for Kang Dynasty later. Especially when still building up to the Young Avengers which he is pivotal to.
I think he might for Secret Wars maybe, but I don't think he'll be a rebooted Pietro in the MCU from then on.