Hey everybody! I thought I would take some time to share some Easter Eggs I found in this latest episode of WandaVision! You can lock this post if you want but I decided that there are a TON of Easter Eggs and plot points in this episode so I shouldn't post it as a comment. To get to the Episode 4 discussion page, click below:
Voices from the Past
The beginning of this episode; which is set on October 17, 2023 right after Hulk snaps, opens showing Monica Rambeau returning from the blip. We know she was born between June 1983-1984, so because she was blipped and I believe the majority of the show takes place sometime in November 2023, it puts her at about 34-35 years old at this time. As she is coming back into exsistance, listen closely and you can hear the voices of Maria Rambeau and young Monica Rambeau from Captain Marvel. At the end of this voices sequence you can also hear Carol Danvers' voice saying "Lieutenant Trouble," also from Captain Marvel, a nod to Monica's past that we saw in Captain Marvel.
The Blip Back
It's very interesting; Monica's transition back seems to be slightly slower than the people in the basketball court we saw blipping back in that clip from Far From Home and came back in what seemed to be like a flash. To keep it all canon, we did see most people come back in similar fashion but they still seemed a bit slower than the Far From Home people just to take note.

Now, unlike the blip-back in Far From Home, which seemed to be silly and less harmful, this blip-back scene was way more chaotic. Now, one could argue that this is in a hospital; people could come back after they were in the middle of a surgery or with a loved one (as Monica did) and not know what was happening, and this is quite true. Honestly, this really shows how the blip experience was different for everybody; and that different people felt the effects in different ways. This is the point I think Kevin Feige was trying to make in saying how ironic it was that we had a real world event we ALL experienced to connect to the Blip which people in this universe ALL experienced. Honestly a really interesting connection, but an important one.
Maria Rambeau's Cancer

Those of you who remember the events of Captain Marvel know that Maria Rambeau and Monica Rambeau were two big players in the movie. We all knew that Monica would be later MCU content, though we didn't know if Maria would be in it. As this scene reveals, Maria had gotten cancer and was undergoing treatment in this hospital in June 2018. Monica was snapped away while Maria remained in the hospital. As we find out, Maria was able to recover from that period of cancer and was discharged that day. However, two years later in 2020 (dang that year sucked so bad), her cancer came back and she passed away due to those complications. Honestly; imagine the countless amount of people who woke up to find out that a family member died while they were gone (five years is alot of time folks) and how they felt. This scene really shows how horrible and chaotic the snap- not just those five years, but the blip back too- really was. In a moment, I'll get back into Maria and what she was doing during those 25 years in between 1995 and 2020 and how she contributed to the Marvel world, but first, we cut to the Marvel Studios fanfare.
S.W.O.R.D. Headquarters
We cut to the S.W.O.R.D headquarters right after the fanfare ends. A common fan theory was that their headquarters was located in Camp Lehigh, New Jersey, but actually it is located (not much of a surprise either) in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Not much seems to be going on here that we can tell that gives us much hint into the future; but we do see a big giant warehouse and a a ship being built in the foreground. This looks more high-tech than today's ships, so it seems like this group has really moved forward in space technology on Earth. On the middle right you can see an observatory and in the upper middle right you can see what I believe is the S.W.O.R.D. HQ building. Also, we already knew this but S.W.O.R.D. stands for Sentient Weapon Observation Response Division, which is different than in the comics.

Inside the building, there are a couple of things that stand out. In a clar callback to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters at the Triskelion, there is a S.W.O.R.D. logo in the center of the room for agents to walk by every day as they start work, reminding them of who they work for. You might also be able to see in the top left there are some news reports going on about the blip. This part of the episode takes place three weeks after the blip-back, giving Monica and others some time to adjust to what just happened, and this first part of the episode is set on November 7, 2023 (dang it I was wrong). About this; I might add that it could be November 6 as the 7 in 2023 is a Tuesday and it would make sense for her to start work on a Monday like typical people would. Anyway, this time setting definitely goes along with the barren trees in New Jersey as I have talked about earlier. The news reports are being reported by a WHiH news division (21 World News), a network called CUV and Spectrum News NY 1 (maybe a little tease towards Monica Rambeau’s alter ego she will take on likely by Captain Marvel 2 in the MCU. Some of the headlines include “Globe Celebrations Continue: The Pope To Speak At 6pm EST In Front Of The World” and “The ‘Blip’ Brings Back Loved Ones: Once Gone Have Now Returned.” On the screens we see images of couples reuniting, people dancing in the streets, parades in big cities and more, all basically evidencing that the world is extremely happy, and also doesn’t know what to do.
Maria’s Legacy & Monica’s Presence in S.W.O.R.D.
Monica walks in and tries to use her security card on the door, but it doesn’t work, due to the fact she’s been gone for five years. Apparently, as Tyler Hayward kind of confirmed at this moment, “Captain” Monica held a giant presence in SWORD before she was snapped (and for good reason as we’d soon find out). However, as the security guard proves, people forget after five years, and things do change.

As Hayward (who here also thinks he’ll be dead by the end of the show?) takes Rambeau into the complex, we see her pass what seems to be a wall of SWORD heroes. Along with it we see Maria Rambeau, who is nicknamed “Photon,” Monica’s early superhero name. Later on, we find out that Maria was indeed the person who founded SWORD, likely sometime in the 90s, in a sense as a response to the events of Captain Marvel, as Hayward notes that Rambeau kind of “grew up here.” We also find out that he was the person chosen to take her place after she died and is technically “acting director” of SHIELD (thank god it’s not SHIELD; it means that it can still exist in the MCU! Phew).
More Agents of SHIELD Connections
After that blue soap, it just can’t get better right? Well, this could be a hit or a miss connection, but in Agents of SHIELD one of the Centipede project members was named Brian Hayward. He also had a sister named Laura. Could these people be connected to Tyler somehow (coincidences don’t usually happen in the MCU).
What does S.W.O.R.D. do?
Above, you can see a directory for Level B of Sword’s headquarters which could give us some more insight into what SWORD does. Apparently, before the blip, SWORD focused on space related things and on exploring the reaches of outer space, maybe with some help from Carol Danvers who knows? After the blip, SWORD switched from manned space missions to robotics, nanotech, A.I., and making weapons that could try and combat the newfound dangers of space Hayward was talking about that emerged in those five years. It’s kind of cool to hear also that Maria Rambeau thought that the vanished personnel would return; and it will be interesting to see how Monica on the ground instead of in space will look like and how she’ll adjust to that difference (which she seems to be doing quite well at this point)
Where is Westview located?

Now, I am not entirely sure about this one, but Exit 32 which leads to Westview is in real life located near Haddonfield, NJ and in the larger area Cherry Hill on the left, towns Ashland and Glendale on the right. Haddonfield is near Philadelphia on the other side of the Delaware River, so I am going to assume that it is on the right side of the exit as that is where Monica heads. Westview seems more remote than Exit 32’s actual location, so I am going to assume that she will have to drive a bit and it is located near Voorhees Township or possibly even Medford (this would make sense considering it’s more remote location). Basically, we can assume that Westview is located closer to Philadelphia and Cherry Hill in the lower half of New Jersey, though not at all close to the coast. Eastview is probably the neighboring town that is nearby; and probably further away than Philadelphia due to its namesake. You can look up this on a mapping site if you are interested! To add on to this, I’m kind of annoyed at the fact that they chose the elevation of this town to be 203 feet above sea level as there isn’t any area around Exit 32 that really has this elevation (maybe in the MCU exit 32 is located in a different location? Oh god, I’m thinking too hard about this).

Jimmy Woo’s getting good at his card tricks
A nod to where we first saw him, it seems that FBI agent Jimmy Woo has been practicing his card tricks he first wanted to learn watching Scott Lang to give Monica Rambeau his business card. Not really a big deal, but a nice nod to Ant-Man and the Wasp
Not exactly the biggest comics nerd, so I’m not sure if this has any possible implications or connections, but it was the number on the Eastview police car so I thought that was cool.
Other Numbers (possible Easter Eggs)
Does this (S-8512) have anything to do with any of the characters either (it was on the SWORD car). Other numbers I saw in the SWORD response base were 345 90009 and ATFU3045 and on one of the hologram screens A185; I am not sure if these mean anything either though.
It’s not that important, but on the drone that Monica flies into Westview, the number 57 is printed. This is the number of the issue that Vision was introduced in 1968.
Darcy Lewis
I don’t know about you, but I am so happy to see Darcy Lewis, who we last saw in Thor: The Dark World, back in the MCU (I’ve missed her so much). A bit less annoying, but still extremely funny, if you missed this I guess I should point out that she has earned her degrees in political science and she isn’t just a mere intern anymore; which is why SWORD brought her onto the project.
Lexington Instruments
I can guess this went by a lot of people. This is a cool little X-Men reference is to Alexander “Lex” Lexington, a mutant who served in the military and lost his powers on M-Day (House of M). He’s not a major character; we don’t even know his power; but still this could mean that we definitely are seeing House of M in the MCU.
Vision is definitely dead (I think)
While she starts tuning into the WandaVision broadcast, Darcy makes a remark that Vision is indeed dead; which we already knew, and that at least to her knowledge he hasn’t been resurrected in any way. So...what is he doing up and walking in Westview?
Whiteboard (and skrulls)
Jimmy Woo starts writing possibly theories down on a whiteboard as the operation starts to get going. He asks “Who is behind this?” and one of the things he puts down is extraterrestrials, and he mentions Skrulls, something that could have implications for Secret Invasion. It also seems like they did try to contact Westview before through the phone lines but that didn’t work, also noting that people in a five mile radius of Westview have amnesia and also asking the question of why the hexagonal shape (which we are also trying to figure out too), why everything is in a sitcom format, is it in the same time and space as their earth, and if Vision is even alive.
This part is interesting, as they see it as the fact that they are technically “playing” different characters in the show. We already discovered Norm and Mr. Hart’s real name, but we also started to discover more today. Also, I should note that Sharon Davis who plays Mrs. Hart is the supervising art director on the show and John Collins who plays Herb is another art director.
Mr. and Mrs. Hart
First, they identify Mr. and Mrs. Hart as Todd and Sharon Davis. We can make out a few things on their forms; including a note on Mr. Hart’s that remarks that he became the manager of the company very fast.
Next, they identify Norm (who we already knew as of yesterday) as Abilash Tandon (who is confirmed to be 38 years old). From his form, it seems interesting because it seems that even before Monica came back she was questioning if she was controlling the entire reality (check out my analysis of the trailer from yesterday). We can clearly read Norm’s sheet and it’s occurrence section says this: “(Norm) works at the office alongside Vision. Like Vision, he is unaware of both his job title and his employer. He quickly befriends Vision and is impressed by Vision’s abilities to learn quickly. Appears again at the neighborhood watch meeting where he (is) colder to Vision than before. Vision is able to gain “Norm’s” trust by gossiping and (sharing) jokes. Does not appear to be suspicious of Vision.” The notes section, however, is extremely interesting and has some events we do not see yet (and maybe won’t ever) in the series. “Abilash expresses concern for his father and sister. This information was obtained when Vision (awakened/answered) him. Is Wanda controlling a whole town? Physical safety of residents is now in question. When Vision releases him, Abilash becomes Norm again.” On Norm’s drivers license, we can also find out he was born on July 16, 1985, his drivers license was issued on June 17, 2020 (meaning he survived the snap), and the date of expiration is July 14, 2026. He is also an organ donor.
Phil Jones
Next, we find out that Phil Jones is named Harold Proctor (I think his age is 37 or 47 but it is too hard to see).
We can find out a bit more about Beverly too as her information sheet is easy to see. They know her real name is Isabel Matsweda and that she is 29 years old. Her occurrence say: “First seen at Dottie’s Planning Committee, where she helps to source meeting items and items needed for talent show. Heavily intimidated by Dottie. Reappears at town talent show dressed in a (horse) costume. She questioned (Wanda) and Vision’s magic act and appears to notice that Vision’s tricks aren’t fake.” She was born on October 12, probably 1994 if she survived the snap which it looks like she did. She got her driver's license on June 18, 2018 (around the time of the snap…) and it’s expiration date is October 12, 2023 (so it basically already passed).
We can also find out a good amount of information about Herb, who’s real name is John Collins. He is 41 years old. His occurrences say “Herb is seen at the Public Library at a neighborhood watch meeting with Vision, Jones and (Norm). Seems to be the leader of the group as he entertains the group members with neighborhood gossip. Causes Vision to swallow gum. Later seen at Town Talent Show participating in Wanda and Vision’s magic act. He seems to be impressed with Vision’s “illusion,” despite the (difficulty) Vision had executing the trick.” In the notes section, Darcy says “Wanda and Visions neighbor. Vision notices Herb behaving strangely and seems confused by his actions.” It seems that in Westview he lives on Courtney Drive (maybe this is where Wanda and Vision live too?). He got his driver's license on July 21, 2018 and it will expire on June 30, 2024. He was born on June 30, presumably in 1982 if he survived the snap which it seems that he did.
So is Wanda the Villain?
To close this off, I don’t think I really can find many more Easter eggs or cool new facts that aren’t completely obvious (though wow that dad Vision/PTSD thing...that was interesting). Though really, that end scene with Monica...is Wanda actually the villain? Or is somebody else controlling her. I hope you enjoyed this and that you comment your ideas and thoughts below!