If Ego was the big bad villain in The Guardains Of The Galaxy trilogy, here's hoe I think it would play out:
- Guardains Of The Galaxy Vol 1: It would still be the same.
- Guardains Of The Galaxy Vol 2: beginning of Guardains Of The Galaxy 2 would be the same, except instead of Ego trying to save the Guardains from The Sovereign, it's one of the High Evolutionary, because he figures out that 89P13 is with the Guardains early.
There would be several mentions of Peter Quill's father.
The Rocket and Star Lord disagreement would be the same.
Mantis would try to escape Ego and she'll still become a member of The Guardains Of The Galaxy.
There will be a final battle between The Guardains Of The Galaxy and The High Evolutionary.
Peter Quill would understand Rocket's origin story.
- Yondu wouldn't die.
- And at the end, Star Lord and Rocket would forgive each other and the team would still be together.
- Guardains Of The Galaxy Vol 3: The beginning of it would still be the same, except instead of Adam Warlock coming to attack. Ego comes but doesn't attack. And he finds Peter and Mantis.
- Past Gamora would still be there.
- Peter would still learn a lot about Ego.
- The end of Yondu's Ravengers would still happen.
- Peter would still find out that Ego is a villain and he'll still learn about the expansion.
- There would be a final battle between Ego and The Guardains Of The Galaxy.
- Yondu's death would happened.
- There would be a Ravenger funeral.
- And the ending would still be the same where the old Guardains retire and Rocket becomes the new leader of the team.