The soundtrack was awesome, like the rest of the movie.
Wishing we had more red guardian.
Also enjoyed them poking fun at the three point “pose”.
I enjoy it and one day I will re-watched it on Disney+
One of my favorite Marvel movies along with Captain Marvel & Shang Chi
Yelena is now my favorite character by far
This movie was a good start to Yelena's character. I'd give it a B+ rating, although I gave it an S back in October.
Better than no way home (genuine opinion)
Yelena was a great character
Visually it’s quite nice, Taskmaster looks great, Yelena was a great addition.
My sister got me the all access pass for my birthday when this was released in theaters and Disney Plus so I could watch it when I was in the hospital last year. It helped get me through that long week and was a terrific movie. I dont get all the hatred.
I actually enjoyed it, wayyyyy over-hated
What do you think?